In the news
Slipped on icy path
December 15, 2022
December 14, 2022 12:36 hrs
On Wednesday 14th December at 12.35hrs the Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team was requested by Cumbria Police to attend a woman who had slipped on an icy path whilst descending Gowbarrow after setting off from Aira Force with a walking group.
The Duty leader called out the Team and 9 members attended where they were able to drive a Landrover near to the casualty site then made their way on foot for the final stretch. The lady was treated for a suspected fractured ankle, placed on a stretcher and sledged down to the roadside where she was then conveyed to the group’s transport back at Aira Force. The lady was then taken to hospital for further treatment. The rescue took around 3 hours in total .