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Search Dogs hold Birthday T-shirt Competition
January 20, 2021

The Search & Rescue Dogs Association-Wales, or SARDA Wales, train and operate dogs to work in missing person searches in the mountains, lowlands, towns and villages of the North Wales area and beyond.
The Charity was due to celebrate its 50th birthday in 2021, but like everyone else in Wales, the Covid-19 pandemic will mean that face to face celebrations need to be put on hold for the foreseeable future.
Along with their mountain rescue team colleagues, the dog-teams have remained operational throughout the pandemic, and to help celebrate their work (along with that milestone birthday) the organisation is holding a competition to design a T-shirt to help fundraise for the charity.
With under-12 and “12 and over” categories, there is a chance to make good use of lock-down time and flex your artistic muscles. The aim is that a winning design will be then used on the fundraising shirt. Details on how to enter can be found on the SARDA Wales Facebook page. Entries close at the end of January