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Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue Team responds to multiple callouts for walkers stuck on Tryfan
June 4, 2024
With 7 callouts in 6 days it’s fair to say half term has been busy so far. The first 4 were all on Tryfan, 3 on Sunday evening at the same time, 2 of which were only 50m apart. The lights from Tuesday’s stuck party prompted at least 8 calls to the Police. Thank you to all who called, flagged us down, knocked at base, or stayed in the car park to provide information.
Callout 71+72+73: 26 May – Tryfan.
2 separate pairs of walkers both got lost/stuck in Waterfall gully on the north ridge. Both parties were confidence roped back to safe ground and walked back to the road. Calls for an overdue party in Cwm Idwal were being investigated when the pair reported they were down safely.
Callout 74/75: 28 May – Tryfan.
Four walkers became stuck on the west face of Tryfan in the Wrinkled Slabs area, two were unable to continue walking and one was experiencing an asthma attack. Multiple calls were made reporting the lights seen on the west face and so a team was deployed from base with TRR and cas care equipment. The four were located, assessed and rewarmed before being assisted back onto easier terrain on the north ridge. They were then walked down the main path and back to the road.
#BeAdventureSmart ask if you, or your group, have thought about your walk, do you have a plan? Do you know how to navigate your route, can you relate your chosen map or app to the ground you will be on, do you have the means to see at night? All of these callouts extended into technical terrain or darkness causing the groups to become unhappy and requiring rescue.