In the news
January 20, 2022

A new online avalanche awareness training initiative has been launched by The Snow and Avalanche Foundation of Scotland (SAFOS), with development support from member organisations Mountain Training Scotland and Glenmore Lodge.
Aimed at individuals making critical decisions in the winter mountains, this free digital version of the ‘Be Avalanche Aware’ planning tool will enable hillwalkers, climbers, mountaineers and skiers to be more aware of the avalanche risks and the factors that influence their planning and journey decision making.
SAFOS represent a diverse range of organisations with interests and expertise related to snow and avalanches in Scotland. It is the leading body of its kind within the UK and facilitates unique
collaboration opportunities between independent members, outdoor bodies, academic institutions, and forecast services.
Chair of SAFOS Olly Stephenson said “We know that the key to avalanche avoidance lies in the decisions that get made along the way. We are delighted to be able to offer this free online learning tool to support people in their planning and journeys.
This initiative continues our work from the now established Be Avalanche Aware tool and will further support an area of decision making that needs structure and insight. With the right planning and choices, Scotland’s winter mountains will offer a lifetime of reward.”
This online eLearning can be accessed at
Be Avalanche Aware | Be Avalanche Aware (