In the news
Chance Encounter on Cader Idris
January 5, 2021
At noon on Mon 4th Jan, call-handlers from Aberdyfi Search and Rescue Team were made aware of a walker lost and snow-bound on Cader Idris.
The 41 year old man, an overseas visitor stranded locally with relatives by the current lock-down, became lost on his way down from the summit and found himself struggling in deep snow.
Very shortly after having received the call-out, the man was, by chance, encountered by a team-member already out exercising on the mountain. Cold, but otherwise uninjured, the man was escorted down off the mountain, where he was collected by relatives.
A Team spokesperson said: “The mountains can be an enjoyable environment in a wide variety of conditions with good preparation, the correct equipment and appropriate skills. In full winter conditions as we saw today the level of hazard is significantly increased by the snow and ice, and an ice-axe and crampons would be considered essential in these circumstances. Navigation is more difficult once paths and other landmarks are obscured, and with low temperatures, the potential consequences of even a minor mishap are also greatly magnified.”
“This man was not appropriately equipped for the prevailing conditions, and a small slip around the summit crags could have had very severe consequences. He was also not following the route he had described to his relatives, and consequently our search efforts would have initially concentrated on the wrong area. Only the chance encounter with a team member saved him from the prospect of a long wait in deep snow, for which he was not prepared. Luck was very much on his side today.”

Pic credit Ben Wells/Aberdyfi Search & Rescue Team