In the news

Ankle injury near the summit of Helvellyn

July 1, 2024

June 29, 2024 15:15 hrs

At just after 15:15 hrs on the 29th June Cumbria Police informed Patterdale Mountain Rescue Team of an incident near to the summit of Helvellyn. A 31 year old had sustained an ankle injury after being hit with a falling rock. Team members were then alerted to the job and started making there way there.

Whilst on route Cumbria Police made the Team aware of a second job in Martindale of a person who had fallen, sustaining head and chest injuries. As all our team members were preparing for what would be a long carry out and most of our resources used up, we asked Penrith Mountain Rescue Team to take on this second job.

Whilst walking across the summit of Helvellyn the Team received a 3rd job from Cumbria Police informing us of a person lost in low cloud. By this time the team had a few people spare to send to locate the person.

90 minutes after receiving the 1st job Patterdale MRT arrived with the casualty on Helvellyn and team members were able to splint the casualty’s damaged ankle and give them some pain relief before beginning the long decent back to the valley bottom.

4 team vehicles were then transported from the drop off location in Greenside into the Grizdale Valley where they then transferred the casualty into one of the team Land Rovers and onwards to their base where he was met by friends and taken to hospital to be checked out.

This rescue lasted 6 hours 45 minutes and 16 team members.

We would like to thank Penrith Mountain Rescue Team for picking up our second job and taking care of the casualty in Martindale